Energy-Efficient Refurbishment of Administration Building
Currently, our administration building sees the implementations of our plans to switch from heat supply in natural gas to electricity by using heat pumps. Last year, office containers were set up to provide adequate offices to the staff of those departments involved for the duration of the construction work.
We are going to use only green electricity for the heat pumps thus directly reducing CO2 emissions.
To this end, the administration building's power supply will be extended and panel heating with ceiling elements that can be activated will be installed in all rooms. This new technology enables to heat the rooms on cold days and cools them in summer.
By implementing this measure, we expect to save around 50 tonnes of CO2 per year in the future. The refurbishment of the third floor has now been completed. Work is currently continuing on the ground floor.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the trades and professionals involved who have contributed and will continue to contribute to the success of the project.