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  • Energy-Efficient Refurbishment of Administration Building

    Currently, our administration building sees the implementations of our plans to switch from heat supply in natural gas to electricity by using heat pumps. Last year, office containers were set up to provide adequate offices to the staff of those departments involved for the duration of the construction work.

  • Visit by the Federal Minister Geywitz at SWT

    On 29 February 2024, Ms Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Building paid a visit to Stahlwerk Thüringen. 

  • Thuringian Minister for the Environment visits SWT

    On Thursday, 23 November 2023, the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation of Thuringia, Mr Bernhard Stengele (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), visited Stahlwerk Thüringen.

  • SWT is taking part in the nationwide "Bridge Electricity Price Now!" campaign day!

    The federal government had recently only decided to reduce the electricity tax, instead of relieving the burden on energy-intensive companies in future by introducing an industrial electricity price.

  • Member of the Bundestag visits SWT

    On Wednesday, 22 November 2023, Dr Holger Becker, member of the Bundestag and a full member of the Committee on Digital Affairs and the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment, visited Stahlwerk Thüringen. 

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